Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How Do You Do It?

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12This past Sunday, the family... yes ALL FIVE of us...made a mad dash to the local Emergency Room while blood poured from a gash in Logan's hand. Now, those that know our family up close and personal, will understand a trip to the E.R. is what you could call "routine" for our little menage! In fact, if you look back through our blog, one of the first posts was concerning a trip to the E.R. Ring any bells? Ah.. yes! I thought so and yes, it was Logan again that time as well! Sadly enough, that was ride five in an Ambulance for me. That's right! FIVE times and counting, SIX if you include my flight in a MedFlight Air Ambulance. Friends and family often say, "I don't know how you do it. I would be a mess! Our family hardly goes to the doctor, let alone the E.R. I don't know what I would do!" How do you respond to something like that, "Aw, gosh, golly,'s nothing'" or "Why, thank you, I am very honored" or "What do you mean handle it? I was a blubbering idiot!" I didn't ask for two of my three boys to have life-threatening diseases. I never dreamed I'd witness my baby losing so much blood that he nearly died before my eyes and then have to go through the same thing again with the love of my life. I never thought a drunk driver would hit my father head-on at 90 miles/hour. And I never thought I would be fighting to hold my son down as his fragile body was convulsing with eyes rolled back in his head due to an extreme "low." And if that wasn't enough, who knew boys could cut, break, twist, stretch, bruise, sprain, and tear body parts so easily?!?!?!?! What would you do if it were you and your loved ones you ask?

When I recall each drawn out journey to the hospital, my heart tremors at what could've been, but wasn't. Each sombering ride, felt so cold and frightening, yet I knew I wasn't alone. I found myself, falling at the Lord's feet, kneeling in prayer, desperate
ly pleading for a miracle. "I am not ready to let go Lord... we haven't had enough time...Please? I need...I want more time. You can't do this!" I was selfish. What would "I" do? How would "I" make it through this? My emotions would inadvertently take over as tears steamed from my red eyes, anticipating what was to come. It was then, that I felt His presence. his gentle arms wrapped around me, holding tight, strong and firm, yet tender and full of love. Cradled in his arms I heard Him whisper softly, "I am right here little one...calm down. I will not leave you. You can do this. We've been here and in me and believe that I am." I felt his strength pour over me and knew at that instant, everything would be alright. I merely had to be reminded. Reminded that He believed in me! In me, plain and simple, without question! He knew without a doubt, that I could handle anything set before me. All I had to do was call on Him and He was there with no questions asked. How do I do it you ask? My strength comes from the Lord. I call upon my heavenly Father and He is there like a knight in shining armor. (Isn't it just like a father to protect and encourage his young?) You see, when I am faced with flashing lights and bellowing sounds of emergency sirens, I don't do anything but look above and he give me what I need to endure the pain and suffering.