Believe it or not since our last blog, three football games were battled out, one long, worrisome night was spent in the hospital, swamp central was FINALLY mowed, $ was made subbing, a "Friday Night Lights" moment was had by all, $ was spent buckled and strapped down in an ambulance, and among other memorable events, a Science Website was created! A woman's work is NEVER done and I am LOVING every minute of it!!!
Game 1: E-Rad (a.k.a. Spike, E-E, The Missle) played his opening middle school football game as starting quarterback on Monday, September 8th. It was a disappointing evening to say the least with Moran running over the Indians, 60-8. Ethan battled through out the evening to stay on top of not only the game, but his health. Released from the hospital a few short hours before the game, Ethan remained focus and determined to play. Unfortunately he ended 0-2 for the night. From kick off to the final sound of the buzzer, Mark was stuffing crackers and cheese, peanut butter, and Gatorade down him to keep his blood sugar stable. (He never did get above 60 the whole game.) He fought hard, but his body just couldn't keep up. Ethan had gone to the ER the day before with the flu virus. He was unable to keep anything down or to keep his blood sugars stable. He was severely dehydrated by the time we got to the ER and was diagnosed with, "Respiratory Alkalosis " They put him in the hospital to observe him overnight. This was the FIRST time in 10 years that he was hospitalized because of his diabetes and the stomach flu. We are very blessed! Needless to say, neither of us slept much that night.
Game 2: Oswego 14, Altamont 0. I am thrilled to say that Tuesday's OMS football game (9/16) was a success! E-Rad had a killer run and some decent passes. The team played MUCH better than the week before and looked like they were having a great time on the field! Next game, Monday, September 22nd.
INDIANS 2-0!!!!
Too bad we had to miss it. That's right! MISS IT! As luck would have it, Logan was injured at the end of the third quarter. The EMT's were called on the field and after several minutes Coach Monroe started looking for Mark. Time passed and I was FINALLY motioned to the field. (It was about time too! I mean, a mom's place IS with her son!) They decided his right knee had been hurt somehow, someway, someplace. They strapped him down on the gurney