Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Little Bit Of This & A Little Bit Of That...

Not much going on in our neck of the woods. The Indians had their first home football game Friday night against Pleasanton. (Logan didn't play because of his torn MCL. I think he wore a path from pacing the sidelines though!) Both teams went into the evening with a 2-0 record. Oswego was hoping to be 3-0 by the close of the night. Unfortunately, it didn't turn out that way. However, the boys played hard and never gave up! For that we are proud!

There are no middle school games this week, however the high school has one Friday night against Sedan. Logan won't be playing yet and this is a HAVE to win game. Your prayers for the boys safety (we've had injuries every game!) and to beat Sedan would be awesome!

In other news... my puppy, M.J. got hit on Friday. I ran him to the vet and thank goodness he made it out alive! The gentleman that hit him, backed up, came down our street, pulled in the drive, and walked up to the door to apologize. He didn't get very far, as Logan's beagle, Oreo was being her ferocious little self and didn't let him by! But when the gentleman saw me he immediately started apologizing. I was in awe that he had taken time out of his day to show his remorse.
M.J. stays in our fenced in back yard and somehow got out w/out us knowing. It was as much our fault as it was his. It was refreshing, however, to witness a genuine concern and remorse coming from this kind gentleman. It made me wonder...where all the people like him have gone and why aren't there more? It was nice to be reminded that in this crazy world we live in there are still a few "good men" out there!

Sunday, my niece, Cassa came to do her laundry! She goes to college in Joplin and it's only about 40 miles away. We all enjoyed the DALLAS vs. PACKERS game that night. Well, all but Cassa. She is a huge GB Packer fan! The rest of us are DALLAS COWBOY FANS BA-BAY!

That's about it for now. Off to face another day of dirt and grime in the ole Spore house!

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